Messy play sets your little one free.
It is the one time they can play with no constraints, let their imagination soar and experience limitless sensory enjoyment.
It’s an opportunity for them to revel in goo, glop, sand, spaghetti and paint. It encourages the explorer in them and puts them in touch with their senses.

"It is a totally uninhibited time where a child is totally free to be a child."
It gives them the opportunity of experiencing comparisons and cause and effect.
It helps to advance their skills in ways that they don’t experience anywhere else.
They directly benefit and develop in the areas of:
- Communication
- Concentration
- Language
- Imagination
- Physical development
- Builds confidence

Even babies use expressions, laughter or noises to communicate what they experience through messy play and toddlers become simply giddy with joy and delight and squeal, chatter and laugh.
It is a totally uninhibited time where a child is totally free to be a child.
Understandably parents cringe at the thought and restrict this type of activity because they cannot imagine an area in the home that wouldn’t get stained or damaged during messy play.

At ARK Playmats, we are always looking to make parenting easier and more enjoyable for both mom and baby and have created a safe alternative for the playful parent.
Our play mats are the perfect surface for letting ourselves ‘go’ for playtime. The surface is waterproof and incredibly easy to clean. A simple wipe is all it takes.
Our Play Mat Sanitiser is made from a totally safe and organic natural Lemongrass concentrate which you simply dilute with water in a spray bottle of your choice.
This creates a robust solvent that removes oils and easily wipes off sticky stuff, leaving behind a fresh and subtle scent and a perfectly sanitised surface for your baby to safely grow and learn on. An added bonus is that it also repels insects!