Welcome to our baby, play mat obsessed world. I am so happy to be here and to share our story with you.
Four years ago I had my first baby. I was besotted with that little man and began the somewhat treacherous learning curve called parenting; the beautiful ups and scary downs; the lack of sleep, energy and time for friends.
Whilst I felt connected to my son, I began to feel ‘disconnected’ from my adult life, being mostly surrounded by “baby things” either in his room, our room, the bathroom, kitchen and living room. Basically every room!
Time went by, he grew a bit and people began to visit more often. In trying to make the lounge child friendly, I hauled things in to create a safe play area for babies. This included a colourful ABC/123 play mat which was an eyesore to say the least.
"You can now have the benefit of a beautiful, quality foam play mat that will let you get on with parenting in style and bring you and your baby nothing but smiles."
I never fully relaxed and enjoyed myself as the room looked chaotic and made me feel messy and slightly out of control.
I went to visit family in America (when we still could), and came across a beautiful play mat with a stylish design that could blend seamlessly into any room. I bought two immediately, one for the living room and one for the nursery. When I got home I created a fabulous, permanent safe baby area in my lounge which blended beautifully with our decor and replaced my dirty nursery carpet with a stunning, modern and clean play mat. No more fetching and carrying, no more feeling frazzled and a very inclusive environment for both baby and me. I literally sighed, smiled and relaxed.
I decided that everyone in South Africa should have beautiful play mats so I got to work trying to find manufacturers. It took three years and another baby but ARK playmats has finally arrived.
You can now have the benefit of a beautiful, quality foam play mat that will let you get on with parenting in style and bring you and your baby nothing but smiles.