The essential tool for baby development

A baby's development is astounding. Their brain cells are multiplying at an alarming speed and their instinct to grow and learn is genius. If we could harness that determination and use it in adulthood we’d be unstoppable.

They start off so sleepy and within weeks are learning tricks; recognising mom’s face, noises, smells, touch and smiling that heart-stopping grin.

They quickly move on to strengthening and gaining muscle control and we help a lot by making them comfortable, secure and stimulated. 

"Tummy time is a must for short periods a few times a day from the get go." 

A quality foam play mat becomes an essential item because it gives baby the confidence to push on and achieve all their goals one minute at a time. The surface is soft but firm so when their little head is bobbing up and down with fatigue and effort it is protected from bumps and thumps.

Mini baba’s - Maxi Milestones, no pain – massive gain.

From 2 weeks to 3 months they are concentrating on strengthening their neck muscles to hold up their head alone and turn from side to side. There are many instances when their little neck drops down and their face knocks into the surface they are on.

Tummy time is a must for short periods a few times a day from the get go. Their work begins early so that by the time they reach 4 months old they will be pushing themselves up onto their elbows and rocking and rolling from side to side.


"Collapsing onto a protective surface helps them get back to it after every misstep."

Flipping fantastic

At 6 months they’re flipping right over and in the beginning, don’t always coordinate it too well and can bump their heads on a hard surface.

Sitting pretty

From 6 to 8 months they’re sitting. That means they’re rolling back often until they master that mammoth step and their heads need protecting.

On the move

From 7 to 10 months, they are crawling. In the beginning they tumble and hit the floor.  Collapsing onto a protective surface helps them get back to it after every misstep.


Standing tall

THEN, it’s time to stand. We all know that means falling backwards or flopping down without warning.

Stand, step, wobble, flop, repeat

And then they learn to walk anytime between 8 and 18 months. How comforting for them to be on the play mat while they are mastering the great art of independence.

Why would we not provide them with anything but a soft premium quality foam play mat so that they can build confidence to try again and again until they are ready for their next challenge.

What about you? ARK Playmats feel parents deserve a gorgeous space to watch over their little one as they navigate this active path. Your home is your haven so we design play mats that blend in beautifully with your space, providing your baby with love, care and safety in style.

Choose a foam baby play mat that best suits your style of interior --> SHOP NOW